Oil Free Spicy Hummus

If you have been following my blog much so far you may have noticed a pattern.  We love spicy food.  Many, well most of my recipes have some spice to them.  My simple oil free hummus is no exception.  It has some heat.  But the amount of heat is up to you.

I've been making hummus for a while now.  When I first started making it, I kept it pretty traditional with olive oil and tahini.  As we started to move toward a lower calorie diet, I started trying ways to cut back.  The first time I made hummus without oil and tahini, my family and I realized we didn't miss those things at all.  Neither omitted ingredient is bad for you.  But they do add calories so for us right now, we just leave them out.

- 2 16 ounce cans chickpeas, drained
- 2 fresh jalapenos, stems cut off
- 5 or so cloves of raw garlic
- The juice of one lime
- Salt to taste
- Water, a tablespoon at a time slowly.  Only enough to help combined

*if you do not have jalapenos, try some rooster sauce instead.  It makes a great spicy hummus.  Just add it slowly because it is spicier then jalapenos most of the time.

Combined all ingredients in a blender or flood processor.  Process until smooth!  This takes some time.  We like very creamy hummus so be prepared to blend for a good long while.  Remove the lid and scrap the side into the blender or processor now and then as needed.  In my opinion this hummus is best made ahead of time.  A few hours, or even the next day lets the flavors come together.

I like to serve mine with carrot or celery sticks, or my favorite, Good Thins corn and sea salt crackers.  41 crackers are only 120 calories.  Way more bang for your buck then corn chips.

This hummus comes out to be about 43 calories per a 2 tbsp. serving.  Almost half of what some store bought hummus can be.

#alwaystomatoes  #lowcalorie #healthyfoods  #wholefoodrecipes


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